If you happen to be reading this and are part of my generation (Senior Citizen status), you may remember a show called “The Beverly Hillbillies”. If so you will understand this a bit easier, if not, I suggest you Google it and you will learn what my thoughts and vision of Beverly Hills was. I loved the show, but I truthfully never had a desire to visit California. Then, when I was 60 due to a series of “life events” I found myself on a plane with two suitcases containing the only possessions I had not given away with the destination of LAX Airport. I fell in love with the weather, the diversity, the fact that I did not need to travel, because the entire world came here and asked myself why I never thought about visiting before. I was ready for the challenge and yes it may have been scary at times and there were struggles along the way but the joy of the journey and becoming an “Angelino” has been amazing.
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